Issue 729   14 March




Truckfile Voice Delivers Huge
Productivity Gains

Working in conjunction with our partners Dakota, has enabled our industry-leading Workshop Management software application to become voice-enabled.

Voice-directed solutions are a real viable alternative thanks to both prompts being delivered and technician responses provided through spoken word. Operators use a compact, wearable computer with a headset to receive step by step instructions pertaining to a particular inspection.

- The solution seamlessly integrates into the
  Truckfile Workshop system
- Productivity and efficiency increases are
  achieved (up to 40% increase)
- Accuracy levels of data entered during
  inspection is 99.99% accurate
- Real-time information and data for operational
  visibility is achieved
- Mission-critical applications are streamlined
- Operator training times are reduced
- Unnecessary business costs are removed
- A rapid return on investment is achievable

Click here to watch video case study


Get fast-action instant relief from your fleet maintenance headaches

Freeway’s software is designed to simplify compliance and fleet maintenance.

Eliminating your paperwork and automating mundane tasks, Freeway works seamlessly across your devices – desktops, mobiles, tablets, server and on the cloud.

Freeway combines functionality of a number of different systems to provide a seamless solution incorporating fleet and asset management, maintenance and defect management – as well as stores and stock control, purchasing and compliance.

It connects freely with other systems used in areas such as operations and accounts, allowing fleet operators to move to paperless digital working.

Freeway has become the system of choice by transport and bus operators from Gregory to Bartrums, Suttons and Abbey Logistics, as well as many bus operators from London to Edinburgh and Dublin.

Click opposite to
watch video:


21 Mar
Tyre & Wheel Servicing
28 Mar
Road Safety & Visibility
Apr Vehicle Diagnostics

Transport Operator:
your free industry newspaper

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 Brake Testing

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 CV Component Distributors

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 Fume Extraction Systems

 Load Handling

 London Direct Vision Standard

 Reversing & Visibility Aids

 Road Safety & Visibility


 Tail Lifts


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 Vehicle Washing

 Vehicle Weighing

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 Column Lifts

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