Issue 745   27 June




Solutions to axle weight problems….

Axtec are the only UK company specialising exclusively in axle weighing offering the widest range of solutions and the greatest expertise available from one company, including:

• The world’s most accurate Dynamic Axle Weighbridge, used by DVSA for enforcement and by those looking to optimise loads as they leave their facilities.

• Market leading OnBoard Axle Load Indicators provide real-time information to drivers and fleet managers, ensuring that vehicles remain safe and legal throughout the day.

• The lightest, lowest profile strain-gauge-based weighpads. Used for spot checks and where portability is key.

• Full turnkey solutions using in-house capability, from design to installation and commissioning. Supported by post-sale maintenance, repair and calibration using dedicated equipment.

Whatever your axle weighing problem, Axtec have the solution.


NTEP Certified LTR788™ Dual Wheel Load Scales for Commercial Fleets

The LTR788™ Dual Wheel Load Scale was created for direct measurement of individual tire loading in a dual-tire configuration. Until now, there was no method to accurately weigh the tires individually. This may result in private industry driving inefficient and unsafe vehicles, damaging public infrastructure and their own tires. Tire loading and tire conditions impact braking distance, and tire failure can lead to accidents and debris on roads. Commercial vehicle fleet operators can now identify and correct unequal weight distribution within a dual-tire configuration by setting the tire air pressure to properly load tires based off the measurements from the LTR788™ scales. Using this information, operators will be able to increase road safety, save money on tire costs, and save money through fuel economy and decreased repair costs.

For more information, please contact Sales at
+1-763-476-2531 or visit our website.


Know your Limits

Our Smart Weigh system is a very user-friendly, low-cost application, affording real-time individual axle load monitoring by way of axle sensors connected to a dash or body mounted display, ensuring the operator knows the accurate amount that is being measured.

✓ Flexible solution for all types of trailers and
✓ Better than +1 to 5% of GVW
✓ Maximise your productivity

(01603) 485153



4 July
Workshop Tools & Equipment
11 July
Windscreens & Related Equipment
18 July
Accident Repair

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