Issue 742   10 June



the drum on every front

SAF-HOLLAND is responsible for the development of innovative axle, suspension and braking systems that deliver class-leading efficiency, weight reduction, environmental-friendliness and above all, safety.

It’s our aim is to make the transport industry aware that braking technologies like INTRADISC, can help towards improving UK road safety.

Tests conducted by world-renowned vehicle engineering, test and development consultancy HORIBA MIRA, confirm that even when operating at higher working temperatures, a trailer equipped with SAF INTRADISC brakes will consistently stop within a significantly shorter distance compared with drum brakes.

Specify INTRADISC and you contribute to improving UK road safety – surely there’s no better reason, but if you wanted more, you may be interested to know that INTRADISC beats the drum in all of the following key areas…

   • Higher braking efficiency
   • Lighter weight
   • Better warranties
   • Reduced maintenance
   • Improved cost-efficiency

Introducing the new Drum Modular Axle (DMA) series from JOST

JOST is expanding its axle portfolio with the new DMA series.

The Drum Modular Axle impresses with its usual JOST quality and combines a robust tubular axle with the modular DLS suspension series.

Therefore, the DMA can be optimally adapted to the respective customer requirements.

The JOST DMA is particularly impressive due to:

• The combination of the optimised brake cam
  roller and the automatic, self-regulating slack
  adjuster provides optimum control of the
  brake shoe movement and the contact pressure.
• An outboard mounted drum ensures ease of
  maintenance and service. In addition, the proven
  brake design requires minimal repair effort and
  offers maximum benefit to customers.
• The robust axle assembly can be individually
  customised with modular spring systems from
  the DLS series.


Whatever the application, FAG has a quality hub repair solution for you.
FAG was the first company to mass produce perfectly round steel balls and continues to be a successful technology partner and OE supplier of precision bearings to the automotive, engineering and aerospace industries.
Our commercial vehicle hub repair solutions provide the most innovative, technically advanced and high quality range of trucks and trailer bearings available in the aftermarket. |


13 June
Workshop Fixed Lifts
20 June
Braking Systems & Components
27 June
Vehicle Weighing

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