Issue 725   15
February 2024





Extensive Range of AdBlue
Pumps/Dosing Modules
New and Remanufactured Available

Transaxle provides a comprehensive range of applications tailored for trucks and offroad vehicles. Our extensive inventory and top-notch services ensure customers a complete and satisfying experience. Additionally, we stand behind our products with a 12-month warranty and hassle-free replacement guarantee. Explore our selection of both Genuine and Remanufactured AdBlue pumps for your specific needs.

Tel: 01922 471 300


AdBlue® - closer to you

Top!Blue is a distinctive international brand with strong shareholder backing. As part of oil and gas giant Sinopec Group, Top Blue Limited is a vertically integrated company and a fully owned UK subsidiary of Sichuan Meifeng Chemical Industry, a plc and one of the world’s largest manufacturers of Automotive Grade Urea (AGU), main chemical component in the manufacture of AdBlue®.

With thousands of tonnes of AGU in local stock, state-of-the-art production plants for AdBlue® scattered in strategic UK locations and one of the most efficient supply networks - our Customers and Distribution Partners can be assured of long-term competitive pricing, security of supply and full traceability to ISO22241 – As a group we operate under license no. 0004906 from Verband der Automobilindustrie e. V. (aka VDA), API (USA) and GB 29518/2013 (China).

Our all-inclusive service in the UK comprises AdBlue®, its deliveries, and also the dispensing equipment and the service and financing of that equipment. Plus, with automated stock control, customers never need to worry about ordering again. We offer free Storage and Dispensing bulk tanks under 2 or 3 year product supply contracts.

Please contact us on to find out more.


Reliably Supplying the UK with AdBlue for 16 years

Downwards pressure is continuing to be applied on AdBlue® prices by purchasers treating it like a diesel purchase.  The primary objective being to buy AdBlue® as cheaply as possible, as always where there is a demand somebody will supply that demand.  This demand for cheap product is being picked up by cheap imported Urea claiming to be automotive grade, this is then blended into “AdBlue”.  This has created an opening for some new players to enter the UK market and take a punt on supplying cheap “AdBlue” often manufactured on farm yards. 

QUS has been manufacturing Urea solutions for over 25 years in the UK and has been supply AdBlue® since 2008.  QUS believes that when a purchasing decision is being made about AdBlue® the buyer needs to do there sums on the savings and risks faced. For example take a 44 Tonne HGV it would use about 1000Ltrs of AdBlue® a year.  The price we would charge for certified quality AdBlue® is about 2 pence per litre more expensive than some of the new market entrants. The potential saving of 2 pence per litre x 1000Ltrs equals a saving of £20 per year per HGV or £200 over the 10 year life of the vehicle.  The AdBlue® kit on the vehicle costs about £3,000 is that risk worth it?

tel - 01663 734621
email -

Fueltek AdBlue Pumps & Tanks

AdBlue Pumps
The FT4000AB AdBlue pump is the perfect solution for accurate dispensing and monitoring of AdBlue storage tanks. With a 12 months part warranty and operating at a standard speed of 35 litres per minute, it is available in a number of configurations and can be specified as a pump or dispenser only, which has the ability to connect to any fuel management system.

AdBlue Storage Tanks
Fueltek offer high-quality AdBlue storage tanks and monitoring solutions that are ideal for use in the commercial transport sector. We also offer bunded fuel tanks for storing AdBlue; these tanks can be compartmentalised to store diesel and AdBlue, and fitted with a Twin FT4000 dispensing diesel and AdBlue.

To enquire further about AdBlue storage tanks, pumps or other solutions with Fueltek, please don’t hesitate to call us today on
01254 291391. We offer a complete service that covers everything from the requirements of your site to the standards that relate to electricity or the environment.

22 Feb
Alcohol & Drug Testing
29 Feb
Brake Servicing & Diagnostics
7 Mar

Transport Operator:
your free industry newspaper

Packed with the latest industry news, legal updates, special features and regular workshop and fleet management sections, Transport Operator newspaper is essential reading for HGV, LCV and PSV operators, hirers, repairers, dealerships and suppliers.


You can also visit the Transport Operator website to read our content online:


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